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Terletak di Steinkopf, Hollywood Lodge mempunyai taman, lounge bersama, fasilitas barbekyu, dan WiFi gratis di seluruh area akomodasi. Akomodasi ini menawarkan dapur bersama, layanan kamar, dan pengaturan wisata untuk Anda. Di guest house, setiap kamar dilengkapi lemari pakaian dan TV. Di Hollywood Lodge, semua kamar dilengkapi seprai dan handuk. Sarapan khas Inggris/Irlandia tersedia setiap pagi di Hollywood Lodge. Di guest house, Anda dapat menikmati kegiatan di Steinkopf dan sekitarnya seperti bersepeda. Bandara terdekat adalah Bandara Oranjemund, 191 km dari Hollywood Lodge.

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Khas Inggris/Irlandia

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Yang disukai tamu yang menginap di sini

  • Hendrik
    Afrika Selatan Afrika Selatan
    The owner and manager is an amazing person and her hospitality and kindness is commendable. Hearing some of the local history from her was fascinating.
  • Ekaterina
    Rusia Rusia
    Great host, clean and comfortable room, some self-catering facilities available in a communal kitchen. The place is perfect for a 1-2 nights' stop while in a transit to or from Namibia.
  • Ralf
    Afrika Selatan Afrika Selatan
    My stay was a bit unplanned, and the hosts went out of their way to be of any help

Dikelola oleh Letitia Pandohe

Skor ulasan perusahaan: 9.2Berdasarkan 40 ulasan 1 akomodasi
1 properti yang dikelola

Informasi perusahaan

Meet Letitia Pandohe, your gracious host at Hollywood Lodge. Letitia is not just a proprietor but a passionate advocate for the beauty and culture that Steinkopf has to offer. Her warm hospitality ensures that every guest feels not just accommodated, but truly welcomed into the heart of the community. With a deep knowledge of the local customs and an infectious enthusiasm for the region's natural wonders, Letitia goes above and beyond to make your stay a memorable one. Whether sharing tales of the area's history, recommending hidden gems to explore, or ensuring your comfort at Hollywood Lodge, Letitia Pandohe embodies the spirit of hospitality that makes your visit to Steinkopf truly special. With 24 years of experience under her belt, Letitia is not just a tour guide; she's a storyteller, a historian, and a culinary enthusiast rolled into one delightful package. Specializing in a variety of tours, Letitia's expertise shines brightest during her captivating hiking tours for groups of 10 to 16. Whether you're scaling rugged peaks or strolling through serene valleys, Letitia's knowledge and passion for the outdoors will make every step of your journey a memorable one. But Letitia's talents extend beyond the trail. Alongside her husband, she's a maestro in the kitchen, adept at crafting both Nama and Indian cuisines with love and expertise. From spicy curries to savory stews, Letitia's culinary creations are sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. And as you explore the enchanting surroundings of Hollywood Lodge and its quaint town, Letitia will regale you with tales of its rich history and captivating anecdotes about the area. With her at the helm, every sightseeing venture becomes an immersive experience, blending the past with the present in a seamless tapestry of storytelling. So, whether you're embarking on a scenic hike, indulging in mouthwatering dishes, or unraveling the mysteries of Hollywood Lodge, Letitia Pandohe is your ultimate.

Informasi akomodasi

Nestled in the heart of the breathtaking Steinkopf region lies a hidden oasis that promises an unforgettable experience for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts alike. Hollywood Lodge and Green Jewel Adventures offer a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and exciting activities that make it a must-visit destination. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why you should consider making the journey to this enchanting corner of the world. Steinkopf is renowned for its stunning landscapes, and Hollywood Lodge and Green Jewel Adventures provide an ideal vantage point to soak in the beauty of the surroundings. From the rugged mountains to the serene valleys, every vista is a postcard-worthy scene. Whether you're an avid hiker, a nature photographer, or simply someone seeking solace in nature, this region has something to offer for everyone. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Steinkopf by staying at Hollywood Lodge. The lodge not only offers comfortable accommodation but also serves as a gateway to local customs and traditions. Engage with the friendly locals, savor authentic cuisine, and partake in cultural events to gain a deeper understanding of the area's heritage. For those with a penchant for adventure, Green Jewel Adventures is your ticket to an adrenaline-pumping experience. Whether it's hiking through the rugged terrains, exploring hidden caves, or embarking on a thrilling wildlife safari, this adventure outfit caters to all levels of thrill-seekers. The experienced guides ensure both safety and an immersive experience, making your visit truly unforgettable. After a day filled with exploration and adventure, Hollywood Lodge welcomes you with open arms. The lodge offers not just comfortable accommodations but a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Relax in well-appointed rooms, enjoy delicious local cuisine, and unwind under the starlit sky. The lodge's commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness.

Informasi lingkungan

Nestled in the heart of simplicity lies Steinkopf, a town where the warmth of its people outshines its underdeveloped facade. Despite its humble appearance, Steinkopf boasts a wealth of history and a community renowned for its hospitality. Here, strangers are welcomed with open arms, and tourists are embraced as cherished guests. Crime is virtually unheard of in Steinkopf, offering a haven of safety and tranquility amidst the chaos of the modern world. What's more, unlike many places plagued by power outages, Steinkopf enjoys uninterrupted electricity, ensuring a seamless stay for all who visit. Though it may seem overlooked at first glance, Steinkopf, much like a hidden gem, holds within its bounds treasures untold. From the captivating tales woven into its history. In the town of Steinkopf, Hollywood Lodge beckons travelers with its charm, making it an ideal stopover along the Cape to Namibian and Richtersveld routes. Positioned just 49km north of Springbok and 64km south of the Vioolsdrift border, Steinkopf stands as the gateway to the renowned Richtersveld. Guests find delight in exploring the town's rich history as a former Rhenish Mission Station, with iconic sites like the original Rhenish church and parsonage constructed by the esteemed Rev. Brecher. Steeped in cultural significance, Steinkopf's origins intertwine with the Khoikhoi/Nama, leaving behind a legacy of strong leadership and cultural values. The town's historical elements, including the "Eye" well, connect visitors to its past. Hollywood Lodge invites guests to savor traditional and Indian cuisines, offering delights like bunnychows and roti with savory fillings. Explore the untold stories of the British soldiers' graves at Klipfontein, pay homage to the Nama children's tragic massacre, and marvel at the rock art at Tierkop. At Hollywood Lodge, immerse yourself in Steinkopf's captivating heritage and create lasting memories in a town shaped by its profound history.

Bahasa yang digunakan

Bahasa Afrikaans,Bahasa Inggris

Lingkungan sekitar properti

Fasilitas Hollywood Lodge

Fasilitas paling populer
  • Kamar bebas rokok
  • Parkir gratis
  • Layanan kamar
  • WiFi gratis
  • Kamar keluarga
  • Sarapan
Kamar Mandi
  • Tisu toilet
  • Handuk
  • Bathtub atau shower
  • Toilet
  • Shower
Kamar Tidur
  • Seprai
  • Lemari
  • Pemandangan halaman dalam
  • Perapian luar ruangan
  • Perabotan luar ruangan
  • Fasilitas BBQ
  • Taman
  • Dapur bersama
  • Pemanggang roti
  • Peralatan dapur
  • Ketel listrik
  • Mesin cuci
  • Microwave
  • Lemari es
Amenitas Kamar
  • Stop kontak dekat tempat tidur
  • Papan Jemur Baju
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan berdasarkan permintaan. Tidak dikenakan biaya.
  • Tur jalan kaki
    Biaya tambahan
  • Berkuda
    Biaya tambahanLokasi berbeda
  • Bersepeda
    Lokasi berbeda
  • Hiking
    Biaya tambahanLokasi berbeda
  • TV
Makanan & Minuman
  • Makanan anak
    Biaya tambahan
  • Menu diet spesial (berdasarkan permintaan)
  • Sarapan dalam kamar
Wi-Fi tersedia di seluruh hotel dan tidak dikenai biaya.
Tempat Parkir
Parkir pribadi gratis tersedia di lokasi properti (reservasi tidak diperlukan).
  • Parkir valet
  • Parkir difabel
Layanan resepsionis
  • Invoice disediakan
  • Meja layanan wisata
Hiburan dan layanan keluarga
  • Pagar pengaman bayi
  • Buku, DVD, atau musik untuk anak
  • Pengaman soket listrik untuk anak
Layanan kebersihan
  • Layanan kebersihan harian
  • Jasa penyetrikaan
  • Laundry
    Biaya tambahan
Fasilitas bisnis
  • Faks/fotokopi
    Biaya tambahan
  • Fasilitas rapat/perjamuan
    Biaya tambahan
  • Pemadam api
  • Akses kunci
  • Keamanan 24 jam
  • Area lounge/TV bersama
  • Ruangan khusus merokok
  • Bebas rokok di semua ruangan
  • Tersedia kamar bebas alergi
  • Lantai keramik/marmer
  • Kedap suara
  • Makan siang kemasan
  • Lantai berkarpet
  • Kamar keluarga
  • Fasilitas setrika
  • Kamar bebas rokok
  • Setrika
  • Layanan kamar
Kemudahan akses
  • Semua unit terletak di lantai dasar
  • Pijat seluruh tubuh
  • Pijat untuk tangan
  • Pijat kepala
  • Pijat kaki
  • Pijat leher
  • Pijat punggung
  • Pijat
    Biaya tambahan
Bahasa yang digunakan
  • Bahasa Afrikaans
  • Bahasa Inggris

Aturan menginap
Hollywood Lodge menerima permintaan khusus - masukkan di langkah berikutnya!

Dari 14:00 sampai 00:00
Anda perlu memberi tahu akomodasi terlebih dahulu mengenai waktu kedatangan Anda.
Sampai pukul 11:00
Pembatalan/ prabayar
Kebijakan pembatalan dan pembayaran di muka bervariasi tergantung tipe akomodasi. Harap masukkan tanggal inap Anda dan periksa ketentuan dari opsi yang Anda butuhkan.
Anak-anak dan tempat tidur

Kebijakan anak

Anak-anak bisa menginap.

Anak berusia 18 tahun ke atas akan dikenakan harga dewasa di akomodasi ini.

Untuk melihat informasi harga dan okupansi yang tepat, mohon tambahkan jumlah dan usia anak dalam grup Anda di pencarian.

Kebijakan ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra

Tidak tersedia ranjang bayi dan tempat tidur ekstra di akomodasi ini.

Tanpa batasan usia
Tidak ada persyaratan usia untuk check-in
Hewan peliharaan
Gratis!Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan berdasarkan permintaan. Tidak dikenakan biaya.
Pembayaran oleh menerima pembayaran atas nama properti untuk masa inap ini, jadi pastikan ketika tiba di sana, Anda memiliki uang tunai jika ada biaya tambahan.
Kebijakan merokok
Dilarang merokok.
Pesta/acara tidak diizinkan.
Waktu tenang
Tamu harus menjaga ketenangan antara 20:00 dan 06:00.

Informasi penting
Informasi penting untuk tamu di akomodasi ini

Harap beri tahu pihak Hollywood Lodge terlebih dahulu mengenai perkiraan waktu kedatangan Anda.

Akomodasi ini tidak mengizinkan pesta bujang atau sejenisnya.

Waktu tenang antara 20:00:00 dan 06:00:00.

Tamu di bawah usia 18 tahun hanya dapat check-in dengan orang tua atau wali resmi.

Menanggapi Coronavirus (COVID-19), tindakan keamanan dan sanitasi tambahan saat ini diberlakukan di akomodasi ini.

Pertanyaan Umum tentang Hollywood Lodge

  • Harga di Hollywood Lodge mungkin berbeda tergantung masa inap Anda (mis. tanggal pilihan, kebijakan hotel, dll). Lihat harga dengan memasukkan tanggal.

  • Opsi kamar di Hollywood Lodge termasuk:

    • Double
    • Twin
    • Keluarga

  • Hollywood Lodge berjarak hanya 350 m dari pusat Steinkopf. Semua jarak diukur dalam garis lurus. Jarak sebenarnya mungkin berbeda.

  • Check-in di Hollywood Lodge dari jam 14.00, dan check-out hingga 11.00.

  • Hollywood Lodge menawarkan aktivitas/layanan berikut (mungkin dikenakan biaya):

    • Pijat
    • Bersepeda
    • Hiking
    • Pijat leher
    • Berkuda
    • Pijat seluruh tubuh
    • Tur jalan kaki
    • Pijat kepala
    • Pijat punggung
    • Pijat kaki
    • Pijat untuk tangan